Duck emergency at near midnight


In the Brooder
May 17, 2024
Hello, I'm Xylospring, and Love Chickens alot. At 10PM, My friend called me and asked me if I would like to help a Duck with a broken leg by the Gate Login.

A Ducky appeared near the Gate Login with a Broken Leg! It's late at night and I'm not sure how to best help them. It was hot today, so maybe Dehydration, maybe hunger? Not sure how long the little duckie was there. I have him with some water but he's not drinking or eating. Maybe stressed since he's injured and a Human is near him. I think I even hear his friend or mate across the street. They appear fine. My battery is at 2% and all of this is so sudden for the last hour and am worried about t. As I type this, I think he's finally drinking a little bit. He's acting a bit more lively. And I'm hearing noises. I hope...Help.
Is it a wild duck? If it's wild, I'd call the DNR or whatever wildlife agency or sanctuary you may have where you live. If you don't know, call your non-emergency police line, they'd know.
Just checked and gave a Call. Hopefully they respond in the morning. Worried for the little guy. Moving his head around in the water at least, which is good. I just hope he's really Drinking. All this at what is now Midnight...

Edit: Come to think of it. The Duckie hasn't tried to bite me or my friend. Granted the broken Leg is most likely worse for them. I can even hear it's friend or mate across the street.
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