Duck Love Hurts (And Some Other Stories)


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2018
Most difficult thing I've faced so far while raising these ducks is convincing others I'm not a cutter, I just have ducks who won't sit still for their pedicures.

But they make it so hard not to snuggle them just look at this face. Who can resist that face when it's giving you puppy dog eyes begging for snuggles.

Quantum causes most of these scratches, she/he/ey has some sort of obsession with climbing me. Throws a tantrum if I don't hold em.

Here's some more photos I took today of my babies complaining about being outside <3 (They really hate the outdoors.)

Hehe, you can see the shadow of lil Oil plopped in my lap on that last one. I should have gotten a photo of their babysitter kitty as he meows in the window mad he couldn't be outside to watch his adopted children.

Other updates would be... Um.. Well I painted a cartoon on the wall for my mother, clipped the cat's claws again only for him to be sad he's out of cat treats, I'm going to the doctor to get anti-depressants, and I'm currently cooking ravioli.

I do cook a lot. My best (and only) friend tries to convince me to tweet photos of my food at Gordan Ramsey because of the amount of focus I put on making it look pretty. If anyone is interested in seeing my cooking I'll collect some photos and post it later. Or just some of my art. Or both.

Oh, the noodles are done. Gotta go, time to make the sauce.
I was trying to move some ducks around the other day, had a Jersey giant rooster in there with them temporarily - caught one of the ducks, and the rooster jumped on my back trying to propel himself further away. Except it was more like running in place on my shoulder :rolleyes: Left some good marks, glad he doesn't have his spurs yet!

Looks like the ducks did a number trying to escape their pedicures - but definitely ant resist that sweet cuddle-face!
Oh! Any know what kind of feather this is? Found it on the floor one day. It's nothing like the usual fluff I find in their beds. I'm thinking it might be a tail or wing feather from how stiff and thick the stem is.
((Sorry about the filter, I was excited to have a feather I could attatch to my keyring to always have my babies with me when I leave the house, so these are photos I sent to my friend dramatically in that excitement.))

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