Duckling food confusion


Apr 30, 2024
Hello everyone,

I've searched the forum and done lots of googling online and there's a lot of differing information about when to switch ducklings to starter/grower. Right now the ducks are eating unmedicated chick crumble (20% protein) and I add in some brewer's yeast as well. The little ones are going to be 2 weeks old in a few days and I want to make sure I'm feeding them the correct type of food. It sounds like they should be switched to a lower protein content food (16-18%). I'm in Canada and it's quite challenging to find starter/grower for ducks. None of the feed stores nearby have specific food for ducks. What are my best options?

Thanks in advance!
I would keep them on higher protein to 4 weeks and then switch to an all-flock feed if possible. My favorite is Kalmbach but that may not be available to your area

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