Ducklings squeaking like crazy


May 17, 2018
My ducklings are just about 2 weeks old and they've recently started squeaking like crazy every time I'm out of view. They aren't exactly bonded to me and prefer their own kind but every time I check on them they get very excited and come greet me. Then when I leave, they'll make a panicked squeaking noise for a good hour before they calm down again. They stop squeaking the second I come back into the room. Any idea what's going on?
They are bored and have you trained to come back. I have 5 in my Brooder and they all peep like crazy in the morning till I refresh water and feed them more food. Mine are a week old and I'm moving them to the garage Brooder today and will be putting them outside on nice days in the grow out Coop.
@albinosilver they def need exercise. Are you taking them outside on nice days. My two weeks olds love being outside and it tires them out too. As for putting them outside for good well you have to use your own good judgement on that decision. I wouldn’t put mine out at two weeks if still cool or cold at night. I actually enjoy having them inside!
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Well I think I actual miss the squeaking now. Apparently both my ducklings are girls because the squeak has now evolved into a quack. The quack is much louder and much more distinct than the squeaks.

I can’t seem to break the habit, they always quack like mad if they see me and then I leave without coming over to play with them or give them treats. Even if they just see me though the window. They have ridiculously good eyesight! Is this just a duckling thing? Will they grow out of it? They are now living in an outside pen. I can’t let them free range unsupervised because they tear into my vegetable garden every chance they get.
Do you have a mirror in with them? even though I have two they love to lay in front of their mirror and at times will peep like crazy for me but If I have just put them back in their brooder from some out door time I just ignore them and they settle down.

Thanks for this post! I have two that get loud when me, my dog, or my other ducks move out of view. I think I will try a mirror!
It's a Duck thing. My adult Ducks Quack every single time I go outside until I let them out to free range.

It’s not that they want to free range. They want to be around me all the time. I was wondering if they’ll grow out of that. If I let them free range and I leave, they freak out. They follow me everywhere when they are out in the yard and just stand around my feet. I feel so bad when I leave them and I can just see them trying to follow and then standing up really tall, quacking and trying to catch a glimpse of me through the window.
Your part of their flock. I had just the two ducklings inside for 2 weeks before another hatched and they were very content with each other and their mirror. So if they out grow it I can't say being as I have 18 ducks now. And they like flocks so you might want to consider adding a few more to your 2? I also have a mirror attacked to a wall in my main coop for any one who may feel the need for some extra companion ship It's size is 8X10 it's low enough anyone can walk up and visit. So maybe consider putting a mirror inside with them.

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