First hatch is staggered and we are unsure when to take out the first chicks


May 7, 2024
Hi guys,

Any help appreciated. We are going through our first hatch. Our first chick hatched on day 21, one on day 22 and we have 1 currently unzipped and another just pipped (day 23).

The older two are picking at the unzipper and the pipped egg. I'm wondering how to deal with it, I can remove the two that are older quickly and put them in the brooder but just unsure whether I'll damage the other two that haven't hatched.

We still have another 3 that haven't started to hatch yet so chances are we will have to take them out while an egg is pipped or similar at one point.

Any advice would be great.
I'd take them out, they'll be better off in the brooder, the others may or may not hatch, I feel like it is best to look after the chicks you know you have, but I know most will disagree with me and argue that chicks are fine in the incubator for three days!
I don't know how much those chicks are pecking at the pipped eggs or how big of a risk that is. When I see them pecking in the incubator, which is not often, it is usually at eggshells from eggs that have already hatched.

Usually if the eggs are all started at the same time you don't have to worry about a staggered hatch. When they hatch they absorb the yolk and can wait over 72 hours before they need to eat or drink. If it is available they will eat and drink some sooner but they don't have to.

For those eggs that have not pipped you should not hurt them by opening the incubator. If they have not pipped by now they may not hatch anyway. For the ones that have pipped but not hatched, you can shrink wrap them by opening the incubator and letting the moisture out. It doesn't happen often, most of the time you can open it even with the eggs pipped without harm but I have shrink wrapped a chick by doing that. If I have a need to open the incubator during hatch I open it and take that chance. But I don't open it without what I consider a good reason to take that risk.

Some people turn the shower on hot in a bathroom and get it really steamy before opening the incubator in there. Some people put warm (not hot) water in a spray bottle and mist the eggs when they open the incubator. When you open it take enough time to do whatever you are doing safely but don't mess around. The longer it is open the more risk you take. I'd turn the fan off also as you do not want to blow moist air away.

I'm not there looking at it, this has to be your decision. The risk is probably small but is it worth it to you?

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