Foamy light yellow/green runny poop and lethargic hen


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2022
Hi there, I would really appreciate some advice or thoughts on what might be bothering my hen. Has anyone else seen droppings like this?

She has been pooping runny foamy green and light yellow watery droppings and is lethargic and sleeping a lot as of today.

General info
- She is 2 years old, good layer and eats a diet of layer feed with occasional mealworm treats.
- I have a small backyard flock and keep the hens in a run, but let them out to free range everyday so they have access to grass, weeds, bugs etc. My hens have constant access to grit and oyster shell.

Other diagnostic info
- her crop feels full but not hard and impacted
- she has loss of appetite
- she did not lay an egg today
- Her vent appears normal
- I felt nothing unusual while feeling her abdomen
- she has been roosting and closing her eyes most of the day
- my other hens are normal

Thanks in advance for your time!
Here are pictures


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Her droppings are a sign that she's not eating. Try giving her eggs, meat, fish, or chicken feed made into a mash with water and see if she eats. If she doesn't, you may have to force food into her.

Early the next morning do a crop check and see how it feels. If its not empty then she has a crop issue going on.
When did she start acting lethargic?
Her droppings are a sign that she's not eating. Try giving her eggs, meat, fish, or chicken feed made into a mash with water and see if she eats. If she doesn't, you may have to force food into her.

Early the next morning do a crop check and see how it feels. If its not empty then she has a crop issue going on.
When did she start acting lethargic?
Hi thank you so much for commenting!! This morning her energy level has improved but her crop was not empty. I plan to massage her crop several times today and feed her soft food and some olive oil. Thank you for the input!

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