:( found duck floating dead this morning


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
I have a kiddie plastic swimming pool for my ducks to swim in their pen. I have about come to the conclusion, I am going to have to build a ramp for them to get out of the pool (I do have a ramp for them to get in) has anyone had this happen to them before? do you think it drowned and couldn't get out? Can ducks drown??? is it possible for it being a disease that I am not aware of? any info appreciated.
We had that happen to 6 ducklines that were barely feathering out when I was little. They mustve gotten chilled and died in the water dish (I dont know how they couldnt get out cause it was little but whatever) I am sorry for your loss I still remember vividly the funeral we had for them
I'm so sorry to hear about your duck

Young ducks will need a ramp to get out. Most likely the duck chilled and the chilling is what led to it's passing. I had a couple of bricks that were not being used so I put them in the pool to help them get in/out. Even some rocks near the edge to help them to get enough footing to hop out when they are done swimming would work.
not sure.....just bought her last week. She is at least a 2008 if not older. But, I really think she couldn't get out of the pool. I am building a ramp today. This has never happened to my other ducks before.
We almost had the same thing happen...we used a tub and a ramp leading up to it...when the water level was high, the ducks could just push up out of it. One day I went back to see one ducks head just barely sticking out of the water....he got to weak from pushing so much that he just sat there. When I pulled him out his feathers were soaked. He was shivering and couldnt walk, but today you would never know which duck it happened too.

I'm sorry for your loss
So she was over a year old? It seems odd to me that she chilled or couldn't get out. Even if she couldn't get out, it still seems odd that she would have chilled.
Do you have males? I've had over enthusiastic males accidentally drown a female before by mating continuously in the water, especially if there is more than one male.
So she was over a year old? It seems odd to me that she chilled or couldn't get out. Even if she couldn't get out, it still seems odd that she would have chilled.

I agree with rainplace. My ducks are 4 months old and they get in and out of the pool with no problems, there is only a ramp for them to get in the pool, granted they don't use it. I think I would want to know what was going on with that duck. Not sure how curious you are, but I would take to my vet and see if they could figure it out. But only if it's bothering you that bad to know what happened. I am so sorry for your loss though. Hope you figure out whats going on.
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