Getting rid of skunk smell?

What about your skunk shirt? Oh yeah, you don't have one. 🤣🤣🤣

Snl America GIF
This is correct. I wash the pants and me and leave the boots and gloves outside.
When our dog got skunked bad and brought the odor inside, I set out little dishes of vinegar around the house -- it seemed to help.

Maybe while your car is stationary, put a dish of vinegar in there? Just remember to take it out before your go mobile.

It does go away . . . eventually.
I instantly thought of that Seinfeld episode where the valet guy had such bad B.O. and Jerry couldn't get rid of the smell. It stuck to everyone that got into the car. He couldn't even give the car away😂🤣 Anyways, look online for a recipe that has vinegar and Dawn dish soap in it. I don't remember the recipe exactly but it's what we used to tell people at the vet clinic, to get rid of skunk smell
There is an excellent product carried by Home Depot called OdoBan. Safer than bleach, won't blrach your clothes. Add a jigger or two to your laundry. The vinegar (white, distilled) is also a good option, along with your regular laundry detergent, for your clothes. Use the longest cycle. I use OdoBan in all my laundry.

You might put some, diluted, in a spray bottle and spritz your car. But the smell will go away if you drive it with the windows down. Fresh air is the best cure, same with your coop. Time and fresh air IMO. Good luck!
There is an excellent product carried by Home Depot called OdoBan. Safer than bleach, won't blrach your clothes. Add a jigger or two to your laundry. The vinegar (white, distilled) is also a good option, along with your regular laundry detergent, for your clothes. Use the longest cycle. I use OdoBan in all my laundry.

You might put some, diluted, in a spray bottle and spritz your car. But the smell will go away if you drive it with the windows down. Fresh air is the best cure, same with your coop. Time and fresh air IMO. Good luck!
Sorry, I meant use the combo: OdoBan, vinegar, laundry soap.

To deodorize a skunked dog, use OdoBan, vinegar, baking soda (it will fizz!), Dawn dish soap, peroxide and tomato juice in a basin of warm water. I don't measure, I dump and use common sense. Pour over the sprayed area with a cup, scrub diligently, rinse thoroughly. Avoid eyes.
I got sprayed once. Threw clothes away. It was in winter and a friend that worked for steamaster got it out of my down parka. You also could try original charcoal brickettes that's what Ive used in fridges that have been left closed up in flip houses. Just throw away and replace . Also cedar might help absorb odor.
I was unlucky enough to startle a skunk last night when I went to lock the girls in (to protect against said skunk). I didn’t get sprayed directly, but it did spray inside the coop, and the smell is sticking to my clothes every time I go down to the coop. Unfortunately I had to drive my car after dealing with it last night, so the smell is also in my car interior. I did put an air freshener up and a dish of baking soda inside, but I’m not sure what else I can use that’s not going to stain?
Does anyone have any recommendations for getting the smell out of
A. The coop (all wood),
B. My car interior, and
C. My clothing
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Hey girl what ended up happening with the smell in your car?
How long did it take to go away?

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