Goose siblings


Broody Magician
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 3, 2009
New Jersey
About 20 years ago a Toulouse goose at a local park mated with a Canada gander, and they raised 5 goslings. All matured into a lighter version of the Canada coloration with gray/white faces and pink/orange legs. All were able to fly and travel with the local Canada resident flock. Wherever one was the others would always be close at hand. Gradually, one at a time they have disappeared. Today only 2 remain and they are always together. Do Canada geese continue to associate with their siblings throughout their lifetime or have these siblings stayed together because they are sterile and have never taken mates? I saw them today, and that gave rise to my question. I think that Canada family units stay together until the parents start a new clutch the next spring, but am not sure.

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