Gosling with unabsorbed yolk sac


10 Years
May 12, 2009
Regina, SK
I have a gosling who just hatched, all on his own, very enthusiastically at that, and he still has around a pea-sized amount of yolk remaining. It's very small, but it's a little dry and doesn't seem to be absorbing anymore. What should I do? As it's so small, what are his chances? I put some polysporin on the area as I usually do just with their navels. Never had this happen before. Will it just dry up, or is it likely to get infected? Thank you!
Does no one have any experience with this? The gosling is still quite active and seems healthy. Yolk looks mostly the same, little bit smaller and dry. Part of it looks a little black but I think that is dried blood as there used to be a red part. Hope it's not necrosis. I really don't know anything about this because I've never had a baby fail to absorb all of its yolk.
I don't have experience w/ goslings but a thought. What about taking some gauze and some medical tape and taping it w/ some pressure (maybe put some neosporin on the gauze) and perhaps it will absorb on it's own. I don't have any other suggestions. Good luck.
It's definitely too late now to absorb on its own. The gosling is still very active and healthy, also pooping normally. The yolk is still about pea-sized, just kind of shrivelling and getting drier.
If it's drying, maybe it'll fall off? As long as it isn't open or bleeding and you try to avoid infection. I'm sure he'll be fine. Especially if he appears happy and healthy. I've had chicks hatched in the past that had some of the yolk sac still exposed but they always ended up absorbing it over time.
I have the exact same issue atm. Like a tiny pair of balls on my gos lol. U say itll take time, but how much? Can any one give more advise? Even if its chicken advise?

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