Hands on hatching and help

Hi Everyone! First time hatching mama and I have questions. Last year I bought 4 hens about 14 weeks old and two Guinea fowl (which turned out to be male.)This year my Speckled Sussex went broody. I bought some hatching eggs to put under her. She’s a happy camper now. :) I’m trying to figure out the following:

1. Based on the picture/link of a coop similar to mine, do I need to move her and the eggs or chicks?

2. Should she and the chicks be separated from the rest of the flock?

3. Can the chicks eat the same food as the rest of the flock?

4. What am I missing that I need to know?



For a few months @RubyNala97 and I have talked about having a thread for Hands on Hatchers to come together and for help for those who want to be more involved or don't want to accept the "Never help a chick" theory. People have different methods of hatching, and that's ok. When you find something that works for you, you do it. Don't worry about what other's views are, as long as your method is working- that is what is important. This thread is meant for us hands on people. A place to come together and talk, exchange our "hands on" methods, or seek help in assisting or just to see how our methods really do work for us. We aren't a thread to debate the differences for hands on/hands off, there's a thread for that. We are strictly for people that want to experience hatching in it's entirety w/out being literally yelled at because you are doing it different or because you are being hands on. OH no you opened your incubator at hatch??? That's ok, here we understand and will help anyone who needs it regardless of wether you did something we wouldn't. One of the greatest and most knowledgeable things is candling, and you shouldn't be afraid to do it.

A little about myself: I use an old LG incubator with fan attatchement, and I have awesome hatches. My last was 100%. I prefer a low humidity incubation method, and a high hatch humidity. I am VERY hands on. I open my incubator frequently during hatch and I have NEVER lost a chick that has pipped or started zipping. I seldom have post hatch mortality and my chicks are very healthy with no leg problems. And I am more than willing to assist my chicks if I feel it is neccessary. Why am I saying this? Because these are the things that a lot of hands off hatchers will swear to you will happen if you are not hands off. I respect a hands off hatchers philospohies and that's great for them. But I hate the fact that some would condem and put down those of us that don't share their philosophy. So if you are looking for a place to share your experiences and excitment in being hands on, without the worry of being scolded or threatened you won't be helped in a time of need, feel free to jump in and inroduce yourselves. Tell us a little about your methods and share pics of your flocks and chicks.
Hello. I had 2 ducks that sat on their nest together and hatched a bunch of eggs. Then they decided they were done at 20 and wouldn't sit any more. I went to clean up the eggs, candling and getting rid of the "bad" eggs. I had 3 that still had veins and movement. Before I found this site/chat/articles, I had one egg that I wanted to help because I noticed it pipped. I saw movement but no veins when candling. I did not assist and by the time I decided that I was going to help, against all the advice out there, she did not make it.
I now have 2 eggs, one I can see veins and one I couldn't. Both have movement. I decided to assist the one that I did not see veins because I didn't want another to suffocate.
I removed shell at the air sac. I am not sure how far along this duckling is. I do see the veins, so I did not go further. I put Vaseline on the membrane (did this before I found a place for help). The membrane looks like it did "shrink wrap" the duckling. She has been moving. I am not sure how long I wait since I don't know how long this one has been incubating by mom. The last hatch from the nest was 4 days ago. That is why I assisted. I don't want to loose another one. She has come so far already. Does anyone know what I should do and when? I am attaching a picture in hopes that maybe someone can tell me if she is close to being able to be helped further. I know wirh the veins still showing I need to wait. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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Would appreciate some advice.... this egg pipped 24hrs ago, just over. And no change since this first hole. I have lifted the incubator lid a few tines since its pp to move very active fluffy chicks. It's day 20 now and first chicks hatched day 18 and 19. After opening lid I've misted in the incubator and humidity quickly rise again. It sits around 73. But fluctuates with hatches or lid opening.

Do I need to assist this one now? If so, please help. I can see something move in it when I tap the side of the incubator but can't be sure I see a beak. Thanks in advance


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