
5 Years
Dec 20, 2014
Hello, so I woke up this morning to find my duck with a hole right in the center of the beak. It is gushing blood. Idk what 2 do! I looked it up and they say to immediately stop the bleeding and then close it up with a scraping of soap. Or can be flushed out and cleaned with contact lenses solution after I stop the bleeding with a tissue. Im going to stop the bleeding but idk what to dod afterwards. I think it punctured itself on sharp chicken wire that I'm going to fix today. PLEASE HELP! THANKS!
Pictures always help!

Flush with warm, saline water - ingredients from your kitchen. You don't have to get all fancy with contact cleaner. :)

Flush it out, put a little antibacterial ointment on it (Neosporin WITHOUT painkiller), and put her in a dog crate somewhere in your garage with food and water. Give her a few days, make sure she's eating and drinking, and watch her heal herself!

Same thing you'd do for yourself if you punctured your fingernail! She should be just fine.

You can post this again in the Duck forum for more species-specific advice.

Ok! Thankyou! I used the contact cleaner b4 i saw ur post. Thanks a ton!

That should be okay. :) Contact cleaner is commercial saline solution. I just prefer to use home-made remedies.

You can also make a paste out of Turmeric (yellow spice) and water and put that in the little wound. It's safe for animals to eat and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It's an option in case you, I dunno, run out of Neosporin or something.

And just make sure whatever ointment you use contains NO painkiller in it... (ie: Neosporin + Pain Relief)... Using it can have lethal consequences for your bird. You want just the plain Jane antibiotic ointment. :)

Hope it heals up quickly!

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Good advice given - I think I would repeat the flush and ointment a few times a day, and especially at night for a few days. Just in case, watch for any extra warmth or swelling. Every now and then I have seen punctures of the bill get infected, here on the BYC. But those may not have been treated early enough.

Thanks, MrsB, and EilighsFarm, you are welcome over on the Duck Forum!
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Good advice given - I think I would repeat the flush and ointment a few times a day, and especially at night for a few days.  Just in case, watch for any extra warmth or swelling.  Every now and then I have seen punctures of the bill get infected, here on the BYC.  But those may not have been treated early enough.

Thanks, MrsB, and EilighsFarm, you are welcome over on the Duck Forum!

All of this!!! ^

If it stops eating or drinking, you may have to tube feed liquid to keep it hydrated until the worst passes.

At least clean it in the AM and PM each day for a few days and behold the improvement. :)

Keep us updated.

That should be okay. :) Contact cleaner is commercial saline solution. I just prefer to use home-made remedies.

You can also make a paste out of Turmeric (yellow spice) and water and put that in the little wound. It's safe for animals to eat and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It's an option in case you, I dunno, run out of Neosporin or something.

And just make sure whatever ointment you use contains NO painkiller in it... (ie: Neosporin + Pain Relief)... Using it can have lethal consequences for your bird. You want just the plain Jane antibiotic ointment. :)

Hope it heals up quickly!


Thankyou! I looked at the whole and its not as deep as i thought. I used regular clear ointment and its now scabbing up and healing! Thanks for the tips!
Good advice given - I think I would repeat the flush and ointment a few times a day, and especially at night for a few days. Just in case, watch for any extra warmth or swelling. Every now and then I have seen punctures of the bill get infected, here on the BYC. But those may not have been treated early enough.

Thanks, MrsB, and EilighsFarm, you are welcome over on the Duck Forum!

Thankyou! Ive been taking care of the puncture a lot. Nice tip, thanks.
All of this!!! ^

If it stops eating or drinking, you may have to tube feed liquid to keep it hydrated until the worst passes.

At least clean it in the AM and PM each day for a few days and behold the improvement.

Keep us updated.


Will do! Thanks!

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