Hen Attacking Other In Nest Box


9 Years
Jun 22, 2014
Southwest Virginia
I don’t know if there’s much of a solution to this but I thought I’d give it a try. I recently brought home a new hen (Bernie). My other hen (Gretchen) HATES it when Bernie goes in the coop. Day one of Bernie trying to lay an egg, Gretchen immediately went in after her. She got on top of Bernie in the nest box and ripped part of her comb off. Very small piece off the back, but there was blood. Day two, no mutilation, but Gretchen wouldn’t take her eye off of her from outside the coop. Then after 10 minutes, decided to go in and attack her. Day three, I’ve chosen to close the coop so no one is allowed in until they get along. Out in the run, you’d never suspect these two can’t stand each other. They’re very calm, only the occasional peck. I thought about making two temporary nest boxes for the run so they would have somewhere to lay that’s not the coop. They don’t bother each other in the run so that might be the only way they’ll both “do their thing”. I’m at a loss. I’ve been playing the role of a bouncer at a club essentially. My presence near the coop usually keeps Gretchen away from Bernie while she’s in there. But they both nest for HOURS before there’s ever an egg. So that’s not feasible. Any thoughts?

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