Hens laying eggs without shells at night

The length of calcium treatment depends on her individual case. Some respond overnight. Others can take up to three weeks.

This will elevate her blood calcium and prevent all sorts of serious complications, including sudden death syndrome and egg binding.

After eggs are again produced with quality shells, you may then stop the special calcium and return to providing oyster shell free choice.
I have been giving my hens the calcium tablets for nearly three weeks. But I am still getting 3-4 shell-less eggs a week. Twice I have found eggs with fragile shells in a nest box, broken and eaten. So far no one has eaten a good egg, so I think the eggs broke naturally due to the weak shells.
What do I try next? We have some very hot weather coming up, 100-104 every day.
OK. How do you get a hen to open her beak so you can stick a calcium tablet in? I had no luck. My husband suggested some peanut butter which they love. They ate the pb off and left the tablet, although later I found no tablets laying around. I tried it again this morning. My top chicken, who is not one of the suspects for shell-less eggs, would grab one and swallow the whole thing. When I gave a tablet to one of my suspects, she would put it down and top chicken would grab it. There were no tablets left on the ground this morning. I am going to have to get smarter, and quicker, than my chickens.
You can always just grind up the pill and put it in something. No need to give it to her as a full cap. I know others are saying avoid treats and such but if you know what hen it is go ahead and grind it up and put the powder in something yummy your girl will eat up. Nom nom. However know that it will not hurt the flock if you grind the pills up and put it in their commercial feed and they all get some. Also save those egg shells! I give my girls baked shells weekly. And start that ACV with the mother. I only use herbs and natural remedies for my hens if you ever have any questions.
Hi! I know it's been two years but did you find a way to resolve this issue. One of my girls is doing the same and has been for months. I've tried extra calcium in the water and even a course of antibiotics from the vet. I'll try to get the calcium tabs recommended in this thread but I'm curious how it all went for your ladies.

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