Her eggs are too big


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2021
I have a hen that consistently lays gigantic, double yolk eggs, daily. I can’t imagine how this isn’t going to kill her. These eggs are ridiculously huge. I feel so bad for her. Is there anything I can do to help her? I’m including a photo. She sometimes lays eggs even larger.


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I have a hen that consistently lays gigantic, double yolk eggs, daily. I can’t imagine how this isn’t going to kill her. These eggs are ridiculously huge. I feel so bad for her. Is there anything I can do to help her? I’m including a photo. She sometimes lays eggs even larger.
How old is she? What breed?
I had a BO that laid double Yorkers 85% of the time her first year. Then her second year, about 50% for the first month, and then only regular eggs, and her 3rd year, she never laid another double yolkier! My sons thought they were lucky.

Nothing to do but enjoy them.
Yes. But one of the reasons seasonal layers don't lay year round is lack of adequate resources (in this case food) to rear a clutch. They require a higher caloric intake to lay eggs, and more available calories to raise chicks. When food is less available they won't lay eggs. The goal is to not have enough food that the bird's physiology thinks there are ample resources to raise chicks but enough that the bird isn't loosing weight.

Like I said, I don't know that this would work for chickens. They're not really seasonal layers independent of a shortening of days.
Reducing food and light stops or reduces egg laying in pscittacines, not sure how effective it would be for chickens.
Changing diet ( less protein) and light exposure ( in darkened room) does work for hens. I've had to do this to treat a hen so her prolapse and vent gleet could heal.

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