How long between crowing and laying?


6 Years
May 1, 2018
Boise, ID
My Coop
My Coop
I was under the impression that hens resume laying around the same time the boys start crowing—given 14 hours of daylight, I think? We're still below 12 hours at my latitude, yet my roos are crowing.

Is it likely the girls will follow suit shortly, or should I expect eggs later in the spring?
The age boys crow and girls lay can vary quite a bit from bird to bird, even if they are the same breed and same age. How old are your girls? Mine are just starting to lay again now that days are lengthening, however some of them are still on break. So if the girls are old enough, the days are just now starting to get long enough. Keep an eye out for the girls squatting and for combs and wattles to get big and red, once both of these things happen you will have eggs any day!
The age boys crow and girls lay can vary quite a bit from bird to bird, even if they are the same breed and same age. How old are your girls? Mine are just starting to lay again now that days are lengthening, however some of them are still on break. So if the girls are old enough, the days are just now starting to get long enough. Keep an eye out for the girls squatting and for combs and wattles to get big and red, once both of these things happen you will have eggs any day!

These are Japanese quail, about nine months old. I wish they had combs or wattles I could check—that would make things a bit easier! Quail hens squat too, though, so I'll be on the lookout for that. Thanks for responding!
These are Japanese quail, about nine months old. I wish they had combs or wattles I could check—that would make things a bit easier! Quail hens squat too, though, so I'll be on the lookout for that. Thanks for responding!

Sorry... I missed that bit! I hope you have eggs soon! The only other person I know on here with quail of any kind is @Texas Kiki , maybe she knows some signs to look out for that would indicate your quail are close to laying :idunno
Hmm, my males have not started crowing yet and my hens have started laying! They are all just 8 weeks old and in the house so dont get more than 12 hours of light. I guess they are all different though. I wonder if temps play into it, i sold some from this same batch to a neighbor who has them all outside and while mine have been laying for one week his have yet to start, they recieve more light but the nights are cool.
Found one today—could be a few days old. The hen obviously hasn't fully "calibrated" yet, but it's an otherwise normal-looking egg. I'm seeing several girls squatting now, but they're also beginning a molt, so...

To answer my own question—the first egg of the year was laid about a week after the boys resumed crowing.
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My boys always start crowing at 5 weeks, and my girls start laying at 6-8 weeks.

Seems highly variable! Maybe influenced more by surroundings than anything, though? Mine are indoors right now so they think it's spring even in the middle of winter.
These are Japanese quail, about nine months old. I wish they had combs or wattles I could check—that would make things a bit easier! Quail hens squat too, though, so I'll be on the lookout for that. Thanks for responding!
9 months?
9 months?

Yep. They had quit laying for the winter and have only just picked back up.

Found more eggs today. Only the Goldens/Italians appear to be laying—they were also the last to quit. Good girls!



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