How long will Sebastopol geese lay?


9 Years
May 20, 2010
Lake Charles, LA
I have two sebbie girls that have been giving me about 5 or 6 eggs a week for the past 3 weeks. I have been gathering them to set in my incubator, so I was just wondering how long you think they will continue to lay?
Mine start in Late Feb. and stop at the end of April. I would say they lay 5-6 weeks if you remove some of their eggs. Their goal is to lay 12+ eggs before they sit. First timers don't go by this rule! They may lay a bunch or few-they are just learning! Geese that share a nest also are all over the place! They may compete with each other and lay a bunch or sulk and give up with each laying a few. Good luck!
Thanks Banter! This is their first year and they are both sharing the same nest, so I don't have many expectations of them! I will just keep an eye on them and be ready to snatch the eggs up it they decide that sitting on a nest all day is no fun! I have gotten about 17-20 eggs from them so far, so I am happy with that for a couple of first timers.

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