How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10 today. Our hens are 7 months as of yesterday. A flock of 13: 7 Lavender Orpingtons; 5 Barred Rocks; 1 Olive Egger that was supposed to be a Barred Rock.

We started June 21, 2023 with a batch of chicks from Hoover's: 8 Lavender Orps and 8 Barred Plymouth Rocks. Lost a Rock that turned out to be a male @7 weeks or so to sickness. Then lost a BPR and a LO to a Hawks in 48 hours in early September; which changed our mind about Free Ranging them. Then, a BPR became an Olive Egger. Hoover's had no explanation other than 'volume'...really? Anyways; our girls have surprised me coming into winter with an ever increasing volume of eggs with ever increasing weights starting with our first egg at 4 months...weeks earlier than expected. Jan 1 gave us our first 5 egg day; the 7th our first 7 egg day; the 6th our first 8 egg day; the 8th = 10; the 14th = 11; and the last 3 days were 10 each day out of 13 hens.
That stinks. Do you at least like your olive egger? Is she barred? Pretty egg?

Today it was 6 degrees when I let the girls out. High of 20. They mostly seem unphased although I am definitely phased. 😂 Tomorrow is supposed to be around 32, and the high the rest of the week slightly above freezing. It will feel like a heat wave!
Two on the floor of Hen House B when I open the door this morning! Guess my being late getting up and out to the barn, that they couldn’t wait for me - sorry ladies!

Then I found another egg up on the straw stack - it was stone cold so laid yesterday, making a total of 22 eggs😳

I am interested to see what I get today…
That stinks. Do you at least like your olive egger? Is she barred? Pretty egg?

Today it was 6 degrees when I let the girls out. High of 20. They mostly seem unphased although I am definitely phased. 😂 Tomorrow is supposed to be around 32, and the high the rest of the week slightly above freezing. It will feel like a heat wave!
That's the same temps we are getting in Ohio too. It always amazes me when we are in link temperature wise with so many distant places. I am looking forward to leaving the hose hooked up and not having to undo it this week to water the ducks. Glad you are getting a heat wave too.
I put down a bag of wood shavings yesterday in the different areas I have for my Ducks and got one egg in the nest box finally and not frozen for once. Usually they lay on the ground and they have been frozen. I have 13 Hens, 2 are old, one is a Mule Duck so I don't expect any out of them and I am happy they are taking a rest as they were giving me plenty when it was warm out.
Ok my mistake looked like laced Wyandotte. Have 2 and they lay tiny eggs compared to the other girls I have. And there Big sweet hens.
Mine are bantams, but they're sweet, too.

Here's the entire flock:

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