How much are eggs near you??

Locally, farm fresh eggs are about $2-3/doz. Grocery store eggs (Grade A Medium-Lg) run about $3 at Winn Dixie, Large about $0.30 more, except on special, when they drop to $3. Bulk purchases from generic brand a bit cheaper in the flats.

Go two counties over, to a Publix, and free range organic brown eggs are close to $7/doz, with the Eggland's Best Standard dozen running about $3.80. Amazing what a difference 40 miles makes.

When I send in my check to the state and start selling my own, I'll likely price at $2.50/doz, or 30 for $5. FL forbids me from selling in cartons, which is good, those are almost $1 ea! Damn packaging.

Anyhow, hope that helps.
I reuse the foam cartons. I have a drop-off container for egg cartons. I do wash out the cartons before I use them. I have a lot of eggs especially now when everyone is laying. I usually try to keep somewhat in line with what the store sells "Free Range or Cage Free" eggs. I have been charging $4. a carton. I put the larger eggs in the dozen cartons and the smaller eggs in the 18 pks and sell them for the same price. This past week I lowered my price to $3. per carton because I have a lot of eggs right now and sometimes they will take an extra carton or two to give to their friends. We have a farm swap twice a month so I'm taking some to sell.
Out of curiosity, do you ever have excess eggs? I should downsize. I have way too many birds.
I don't know about you but eggs near me are $4.25!!!!! That is very expensive. How about you????
I have on neighbor who sells eggs. 5$ a dozen for chickens, 7$ for ducks. A dollar per egg for hatching eggs. Here though some people are willing to pay that much for farm-fresh eggs, its making me consider a roadside egg/quail meat/honey stand this summer!
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