How old can a chick be before you clip their wings?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 7, 2012
Lees Summit, MO
I have five Auracona/EE chicks that are 4 weeks old and are VERY flighty. Are they old enough that I could clip one side of their wings? I clip my bantams so they won't fly, but have not clipped a chicks wings and don't want to hurt them.
Ok, I did some searching on the forum and there is a string titled 'How early do you clip chick wings?' That seems to answer this: they must have their adult feathers and that happens around 8 weeks. :( so I've got 4 more weeks to go. So far they can get about 3 ft off the ground. I'm hoping that's as high as they'll get.
Chickens can still fly if you clip their wings, whether it is one or two. Don't do it. If you want them to be able to escape a predator, leave them alone. If you want them to stay inside a brooder, put a lid on it. They usually won't fly over a flimsy fence like poultry netting because they can't land on top of it like the top of a 4 Ft. chainlink fence. I had tried to clip wings of my first chickens a few years ago, and I watched as they could fly staight up in the air to the roof of my barn.
Unfortunately I'm gonna have to figure out something because for the second time this week the same chick got over our 5 ft privacy fence and stuck in the neighbors backyard. :(

They're routinely getting over the 3ft garden fence, but I can tolerate that since it is still in our yard.

I think Houdini (the escaping chicks new name) may be put up for adoption this week (or today!).
Clipping one wing will reduce how much they can fly. They can still fly some, they are pretty good at just jumping, and with wings flapping they can even climb fences a bit. A lot depends on their motivation. Like many things on here, wing clipping helps but does not totally prevent.

Chicks go through two juvenile molts before they get their final adult feathers. They simply outgrow their feathers and need to replace them. You’ll need to clip them after each molt.
Clipping one wing will reduce how much they can fly. They can still fly some, they are pretty good at just jumping, and with wings flapping they can even climb fences a bit. A lot depends on their motivation. Like many things on here, wing clipping helps but does not totally prevent.

Chicks go through two juvenile molts before they get their final adult feathers. They simply outgrow their feathers and need to replace them. You’ll need to clip them after each molt.

Thank you Ridgerunner! I wasn't sure if it was safe to clip a chicks wings or not. I understand and have clipped my bantams so I know you only cut back so far. I wasn't sure if it was the same with chicks. They have a huge backyard with flowers, shrubs and mulch to scratch, peck, hide and play in. It seems there is just the one chick who is curious and likes to roam. I'm hoping clipping will control some of her tendencies. Otherwise I might have to get rid of her. We were EXTREMELY lucky yesterday because the backyard she got into has two dogs but the owners were gone and had the dogs put up. Otherwise we may not have gotten her back. We might not be so lucky again.
I’ve never clipped a chick’s wing feathers while they were growing. It’s possible the shaft could have blood in it so you could get some bleeding. I don’t know if that would happen or not. But as long as the shaft does not have blood in it, it will be OK. They molt so often you have to keep doing it.
I have never clipped any of my chicken's wings.. However I was given a Golden Comet that has her wings clipped and she cannot roost as she cannot get up to even the lowest roost.. She sleeps on the floor every night.. Like the post above, they will not be able to get away from a predator if need be.. I agree to the comment, don't do it! Can you make your run taller? Put poultry netting over it?

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