How smart are deer ?


Broody Magician
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 3, 2009
New Jersey
Here's the story. Four years ago a doe raised a pair of fawns outside of the beagle club that I belong to. Club is fenced with heavy gauge wire topped with 3 strands of hot wire to keep ground predators out. As a yearling the young Y buck would lay along the side of the fence about 30' from the gate. When I would stop to open the gate, he would just look at me. As a 2 year old and now a 6 pointer he would still lay there looking at me. Last winter after a snow storm I walked within 20' of him, and he never moved just snorted at me. I cautiously exited stage left. Even though it was late in the year, he was still rubbing trees. Several times this summer I bounced him out of the cover. He would run around a corner of our paths, and within seconds would be peering around the corner at me. Just today, once again after a snow storm, I walked up within 30 ' of him before he ran away. He is now a beautiful 8 pointer. In his 3 years as a 'buck' no body has gotten a shot at him. Heck, they haven't even seen him. Do you think he knows that it is me and that I present no danger? Or is he just lucky ? Also once again he has started rubbing this late in the season. Any ideas as to why?
But his behavior towards me is not only during the rut. Spring, summer, fall his reaction to me is more one of curiosity. If only the 'rut', why hasn't anyone else even seen let alone shot him ? That's the answer I am hoping someone may suggest.
How can you guarantee nobody has shot him? What are the laws in your area? Is he on greenland (public) land? Private land is where most people hunt whereas others don't allow hunting. How can you guarantee he is being pursued exactly?
Deer know when hunting season is..m therefore spring and summer is sort of irrelevant.
I know he hasn't been shot because he is still alive. It is private land that is heavily hunted by 5 members who harvest multiple deer yearly - no one else has even seen him. But why are spring and summer irrelevant when you have attributed his behavior to the rut ? Are you an outdoorsperson or hunter ? I am/have been both.
I know he hasn't been shot because he is still alive. It is private land that is heavily hunted by 5 members who harvest multiple deer yearly - no one else has even seen him. But why are spring and summer irrelevant when you have attributed his behavior to the rut ? Are you an outdoorsperson or hunter ? I am/have been both.
I am both.

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