I got a visitor today...


Jun 13, 2022
I came home from the grocery store and found a chicken in my yard.
She was a mess, covered in filth with a bloody beak. She had a red ribbon tied around her back and wings, and it was so tight I had to use scissors to cut it off. Part of the ribbon was even cutting into under the poor thing's wing. The skin under her wing had an odd green tinge to it as well, probably because of bruising. I assume that she escaped her previous home and heard my rooster, so she flew into my yard. Her wounds were pretty minor, but I put some ointment on them anyway to prevent infection.
Apart from that, she looks overall healthy. Bright eyes and a red comb and waddle. I even checked her for mites and found none. I moved my three Silkies from one of my coops and put her in. She started scratching once she got used to it.
I am happy to welcome her into my flock, but my one concern is if she has any illness that she could pass over to my chickens. She looks healthy (apart from the cuts and bruises) but I am wondering if this will be a problem. She is right next door to one of my coops, and isn't far away at all from another.
Any information you have about how to help this poor girl and if my ladies are safe will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
You'd be shocked at how chickens are kept around here. 4 or 5 spending there whole lives in a small, filthy coop is not uncommon. Chicken fighting is also very popular around here.
Ugh, cockfighting is the worst! It makes me so mad that some people treat animals that way.
I came home from the grocery store and found a chicken in my yard.
She was a mess, covered in filth with a bloody beak. She had a red ribbon tied around her back and wings, and it was so tight I had to use scissors to cut it off. Part of the ribbon was even cutting into under the poor thing's wing. The skin under her wing had an odd green tinge to it as well, probably because of bruising. I assume that she escaped her previous home and heard my rooster, so she flew into my yard. Her wounds were pretty minor, but I put some ointment on them anyway to prevent infection.
Apart from that, she looks overall healthy. Bright eyes and a red comb and waddle. I even checked her for mites and found none. I moved my three Silkies from one of my coops and put her in. She started scratching once she got used to it.
I am happy to welcome her into my flock, but my one concern is if she has any illness that she could pass over to my chickens. She looks healthy (apart from the cuts and bruises) but I am wondering if this will be a problem. She is right next door to one of my coops, and isn't far away at all from another.
Any information you have about how to help this poor girl and if my ladies are safe will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Do you have photos are her and the wounds?

There's always a risk of bringing in disease when you add a new bird to your flock. It's best to keep newbies separated aways from existing flocks for at least 2 weeks so you can observe them for any symptoms of illness or parasites.
Generally, you'd want to keep her away from your birds for a month or more to see if any issues develop (just a couple of weeks is not enough for some viruses to show themselves) so you don't expose your flock to her. Not a bad idea to dust her for mites just in case they were hiding and maybe even worm her soon. Just don't give antibiotics because if she has anything, you want it to become detectable, not hide the symptoms. Give her plenty of good food and water, maybe some meal worms or soldier fly larvae as a big protein boost. Chickens can survive a lot of things if they were generally healthy to start with.
It breaks my heart what people do to animals. Those evil jerks will treat other people with the same lack of respect. If you'd taken a picture of her, I'd probably have tried to call the authorities to report animal cruelty, though they may have laughed it off, her being "just" a chicken.
That poor hen is lucky you found her. Thank you for taking care of her.
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