Incubator dropped to 90 degrees overnight, why?


8 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Seattle, WA
So I checked my incubator this morning and it had dropped to 90 degrees, from 100. Does anybody know why this could happen? Only thing I can think of is that I opened it last night to quickly turn the eggs, but I turn them 3 times a day, and haven't had any problems with the temperature. I'm also wondering if my eggs are okay? I'm assuming so since it was just overnight. They are quail eggs if it helps.
How far along are you with the hatch? Perhaps you can candle them tonight? My old incubator has the manual turn mechanism connected to the heat disk, and the incubator vibrates when it is on. I think mine gets loose by the vibration if it is not tight enough, and can change in temperature. Your hatch may be fine since it wasn't that cold, but may be late.
Oh yay that's good to know! They are 3 days in. I was a little worried i would lose some of the eggs. I thought about the disk thing being loosened before, but you mentioning it confirms that could be the case.
I'm glad you posted this. Last night was my first night w the eggs in and the temp got up to 100 so my hubby turned it down while I was sleeping and when I woke up this am it was at 90. Its back up to 99.5 now and holding steady. I told him to not touch them again. Can't wait to candle them but they are all brown eggs!!!

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