Is my coop big enough?


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2024
Hey y’all! I was wondering if I could get some help? We have been working on our coop for the past couple of days and I’m nervous it’s too small. It’s an awning from a building we already have in the yard, we have just closed in the 2 sides that were open.
It’s 40.6 sq ft and I have 18 chicks, giving them 2.25 sq ft of floor space per chicken. I am going to have 2, maybe 3 roosting bars that will be 67in long, which will be plenty of roosting space. There will also be 4 nesting boxes. Nesting boxes and litter pan will all be raised off the floor so they have the entire floor for space.
My run is 10x20 and they will have access to it everyday, rain or shine.
Will this work? I know I probably won’t be able to add more which sucks but as long as the ones I have now will be comfy in their coop I’ll be alright


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It's going to be tight on space. Have a 'Plan B' in mind in case problems arise. It will be really tight if birds are confined in the coop due to weather conditions. Problems that sometimes arise are bullying and feather pecking/plucking.
These are the standard recommendations for backyard chickens. They are much more humane than what chickens get at factory farms and are intended to minimize behavioral problems from overcrowding:
-4sqft/full sized chicken in the coop
-10sqft/full sized chicken in the run area
-1ft/full sized chicken on the roosts
-1 nest box/4 adult hens (I prefer 1/3)
It will be rather squashed. I wouldn’t go lower than 3 sq ft for coop space. 4 or 5 is better.

Also, if that’s the exact run you’re using, I would plan to reinforce it with stronger wiring. I regrettably bought a run like that, and the chicken wire provided did not last long + a coyote broke in..
I hope you're adding more ventilation, right now I see 2 corner windows. What's your climate like? That triangular area would be a good place to open up some ventilation if you can protect it from rain/snow intrusion.

You will need all 3 roosts, 2 is enough for about 12 birds.

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