Is my hen in shock after attack?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2016
Less than 2 hours ago, a fox came for my chickens. I chased it into the woods with one of my hens in it's mouth. I didn't think I'd ever see her again, but I wanted the fox to think twice about coming back. Apparently, I scared it enough to drop my hen in the woods. I was surprised to find a pile of her feathers and then realized it was her body so I intended to scoop her up so the fox didn't have easy pickens later for encouragement to return. (Yes, I know it will be back, anyway - But, it made me feel better.) She was alive! I was so happy. She seemed relieved too. She snuggled her head under my neck as I talked to her and carried her home.

She seems to have minor bites and missing feathers. I've seen much worse in pix on this forum. But, she is laying down and won't stand up. I am not sure if the fox damaged her spine biting her or if she is just in shock. Any thoughts? Does it sound permanent? Or is there a chance she might walk again?

I put her in my brooder coop in my kitchen. I let her see her "sisters" and they her so they knew she was alive. Then I found my rooster (everyone survived!!!) He is bit up and bloody and missing feathers, too. So I took him in to clean him up and say hi to his injured girl. She cooed to him. I put him back in the coop with the rest of his ladies. I sprayed the injuries but honestly they look like minor tooth holes. What else should I do?

Chickens can, indeed, go into shock. Keep her in a warm and quiet spot and offer her water fortified with nutri-drench (if you have it) and scrambled eggs. She may not want to eat or drink right away. Hopefully she will be doing better in the morning. Fingers are crossed for you and your birds.
I gave her water with electrolytes and vitamins. She enjoyed that. I have Nutridrench, too and since she isn't eating, I will give her that next. She is very trusting and seems comfortable this morning, but I don't think she can walk. I was hoping it was just shock as the wounds seem so minimal, but the fox must have crushed her somewhere. I am really sad for her.
Sugar water might be better than Nutri-Drench. Regardless of what Oprah and her TV doctors say about sugar, in the short run readily available and easy to digest calories will do more for an injured chicken than all the empty vitamins in the world. Just let her drink on her own because squirting water into her mouth may flood her lungs and/or bring on pneumonia.

There also is good instructions on this sight on the proper way to feed a chicken using a feeding tube.
Thanks. She is happy to drink. She reaches for it. She guzzled scrambled eggs very greedily. I can hold her and she doesn't appear to be in pain. Sometimes, I hear a grunt like sound moving her and I suspect she hurts. She flaps her wings sometimes like she wants to get herself up but her legs won't help her. I saw some tiny movement in both legs yesterday, we stroked one foot and she responded just enough to be sure it was a response. The other leg wrapped around my finger when I stroked it. That's it though. Not sure what to do here. Not sure how much time she might need and if she can recover.
It's possible her spine got bruised by the fox. As the inflammation goes down, she might regain her mobility. If she is eating and drinking and pooping, I would give her some more time.

I've also read stories here about people using slings to help chicken stand up, but I have no direct experience with that.
Thank you! I appreciate the thoughts! There is swelling today as the muscle was bit hard. It could be swelling is the problem. Going to ice her today, I guess. She is eating, drinking and pooping. She is responsive and alert and seems happy... guzzles down scrambled eggs and drinks her water. She gets so excited when I come with scrambled eggs she starts flopping around and flapping her wings to get them as quickly as she can.

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