Is this broken beak survivable (with pics)


Crossing the Road
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
So I cleaned it with peroxide, that's what you see foaming. I thought I was going to patch it with a teabag & glue, but the break has a big gap & I can't push on it to close the gap, it's not loose & doesn't move. I also thought I'd put antibiotic cream on it, but it's wide open so I didn't do that either. I gave her a baby aspirin & put her back in with the flock.

She is eating & drinking without a problem, I did make a mash & put a deep bowl of water out. She laid an egg too. I saw her pecking at the crushed egg shells I put out so it doesn't really seem to be bothering her too much, but you know chickens...

I did see a teeny little blood on her nose last evening but did not see the crack till today - so this injury happened yesterday. no other blood other than the spot I saw yesterday.

It might be my imagination, but does her beak seem to have lost color? Do you think it will heal on it's own - a vet isn't an option but I will cull her if she seems to have issues. Thoughts?

From the looks of it, that's the outer sheath of the beak you're seeing, which is why it didn't bleed much and the color looks faded on that part. Odds are it'll fall off on its own and she'll heal just fine. I had a cockerel do the same exact thing just a few weeks ago and you can still tell that it happened by looking at his beak, but he acts like nothing ever happened.

This was him the day it happened. Same scenario, just a tiny bit of blood and not much else.


A couple days later, it fell off and this is how he looked (sorry about the lighting, it was dark when I took this picture)


And this is what he looks like now, a little over three weeks after the incident. You can see that the sheath has started to grow back over top of where the break was, so I'm sure in time it'll look like normal again.

Oh my gosh @pipdzipdnreadytogo that looks exactly like my hens injury & I'm so glad to hear all is well with your cockerel. That makes me feel so much better. She doesn't seem to care much about it, but sometimes it's hard to tell with chickens & I don't want to torture her.

It does seem like it's the outer sheath. Phew. I should never google things, it's all doom & gloom. LOL

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