
Mar 8, 2020
I've narrowed it down to KCs vs Pekins but am happy to consider other breeds

Requirements: I'm looking for the best breed to accomplish three things
1. Keep my 1/2 acre pond surface algae growth under control
2. Eat the massive invasion of trap door snails my pond has
3. Not get eaten by wildlife

KCs: more nimble and better camouflage to avoid predators, have a reputation for eating snails, but does smaller = not as big of an eater and more predators will target them?
Pekins: obviously bigger so eat more, can't confirm if they like snails, bigger means slower but also size means smaller predators more likely to avoid them but they're frickin bright white and yellow so zero camouflage.

Pond sits inside 2 acres of fenced yard with heavy tree coverage and my house sits on the south-east corner
Predators: All of them - Mink, Skunk, Possum, Fox, Coyote, Hawk, Bald Eagle, Owl, Snappers (I have these under control) and the occasional bear.

I am building this duck house
I am installing a heavy automated door using an old garage door opener
Love the duck house. Make sure it has enough ventilation.

Khakis are pretty great ducks. I don’t have Perkins, but my vet told me that they see a lot of Perkins due to leg problems (being so heavy).

Predators are always a danger. Ours usually tend to come out at night, so duckies go in at dusk.

I’ve had ducks since 2016, and I’ve been fortunate not to have a duck attacked by predators.
Yeah, predators are not going to be a huge problem during the day. Hawks might be an issue, but we have hawks and eagles around here and have never lost a duck to them - it’s actually been our own dogs that have been the biggest threat.

I’d go for the Khakis because they are also more prone to foraging. My Pekin doesn’t really have a huge drive to forage, but the Khaki loves foraging.
Yeah, predators are not going to be a huge problem during the day. Hawks might be an issue, but we have hawks and eagles around here and have never lost a duck to them - it’s actually been our own dogs that have been the biggest threat.

I’d go for the Khakis because they are also more prone to foraging. My Pekin doesn’t really have a huge drive to forage, but the Khaki loves foraging.
Yep, those khakis love to forage...then dirty a clean bowl of water in about 3 seconds.

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