labored breathing


10 Years
May 9, 2014
Upper Peninsula of MI
I had a young hen around 9 months old, I bought her as a chick from L&M supply, her symptoms were anemia, weight loss, and panting or labored breathing, ruffled feathers. All the articles I've read talk about eye bubbles and mucus. She didn't have that. She would drink water but couldn't get her to eat anything solid. She had been given corid about 2-3 weeks before as a preventative. I gave her eprinex for possible worms. I also tried tylan orally. nothing helped. the breathing just got worse. Before she passed she had thick mucus in here mouth, that was just before she died. there was no discharge in her nostrils, or wheezing, gurgling. nothing like that.
If you still have the body, a necropsy is the best way to know what happened. Refrigerate the body, don't freeze it. Contact your nearest lab for particulars, in many states it's quite reasonable, lists here:
They will be able to do labs and tell you if it's viral, bacterial, etc, and then you'll know if it's something that could affect your other birds. Many things can cause similar symptoms, so without necropsy it can be very hard to know.

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