Limping Pullet


Apr 23, 2019
My 14-week-old Buff Orpington pullet has been limping for three days now. She is up and moving around but will hold her right foot up when still and favors it heavily when running. Her behavior is otherwise normal. I suspected Bumblefoot but when I caught her and checked her feet they look normal, no swelling or scabbing. In the pics, it’s the one without a band. She’s not being pecked and roosts normally so she’s still with the other hens. I’m clueless what to do next, should I just wait and see?


Does she put weight on the right leg or does she hold it up? Is she getting around well enough to get enough food and water, and stay with her flock outside? Is there any swelling of the upper leg joint or tenderness in her hip? Are your roosts high? Videos posted to YouTube with a link here of her walking could be helpful.
She stands on it sometimes, other times holds it up. She walks on it almost normally, but when she runs it’s almost like skipping. She gets around ok and stays with the flock. Nothing in the leg seems to be tender. I’ll try to get some video tomorrow.
I have dealt with a couple of hens who limped. One limped for about 6 weeks, holding her leg up, but she managed to get plenty to eat, to stay down the hill with her flock all day, and she roosted at night. The other got along even longer for 2 years, but eventually would lie around, losing weight, and eventually need to be put down, and never improved. I suspected she had a spiral fracture that never healed. If she cannot get around well, then placing her in a pen or crate with food and water for a few days to dorce rest might be necessary. They usually prefer to be with the rest of the flock, so the crate should be in the coop.

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