Mail-Order Rabbits

We have sold a few bunnies and one thing I can say is that people like to be able to pick their favorite out of the litter. Even in a litter where they were all technically the "same" color (broken blacks) people had clear favorites for various reasons. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to standarize each rabbit color and pattern down to the point where each rabbit within that group was nearly identical. That uniformity helps hatcheries sell chicks because people know exactly what they will be getting when they order their favorite breed and variety. So if someone wanted a broken black mini rex, what would they get from you? Would it be mostly black? Mostly white? 50/50 black and white? I think if you want to start your own rabbitry you should pick a breed or two that are in demand and interest you, try to sell some bunnies locally through Craigslist or your local classifieds, and see where it goes from there.
As it is, you can buy rabbits from a breeder and have them shipped to you by air. I know someone who even had some shipped to him from England.
I haven't heard of anything like that. That'd be an interesting idea, though. You'd definitely want to check with the post office and find out about shipping regulations, etc. You'd probably also want to think about demand -- are there enough people wanting to raise rabbits, who won't just get them from a person off of, say, craigslist? Part of the cool thing about the hatcheries/mail-order chicken breeders to me is that they have such neat and various breeds.

We have rabbits. I probably wouldn't mail order them, mostly because it's so easy and pretty cheap just to get them in person, and second because we use our rabbits for meat and have found our best rabbits tend to be mutts. Now my chickens.... that's a different story. :)
I like bunnies because they’re so delicious, gone bunnie chasin!!

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