Managing Moles without hurting Chickens?


5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Chesapeake, VA
We've got moles and unfortunately they don't seem too frightened by our chickens so how can I get rid of them without putting something out that could potentially harm the chickens? TIA!
Moles live where there are lots of grubs in the (usually sandy) soil. You can apply milky spore to the yard to kill off the grubs, which will discourage the moles. You can also have a dog who loves to hunt moles, hopefully without digging up your whole yard in the process, or killing those chickens. I ignore the moles in my yard, it's easier. Mary
Well I would ignore them but we have a garden and I also have 2 young boys - 5 & 3 who like to run around the yard but the mole tunnels make that hard to do without tripping. I have heard of the milky spore but it doesn't get rid of the moles just the grubs? I'm guessing the moles will just go elsewhere to find grubs then?

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