Meloxicam side effects


Jun 26, 2021
Houston, TX
Our vet put our silkie on Meloxicam and recommended we continue the Tylosin we had been giving her for a few days before we brought her in. on Wednesday for an inflamed eye. As we suspected, her culture for mycoplasma came back positive, so we start her on injectables tomorrow. Has anyone ever seen a chicken become lethargic or lose their appetite on either of these meds? The only addition we’ve made since Wednesday is the Meloxicam, and up until then, she had been completely perky and otherwise acting normally. Since yesterday, she’s been refusing food and water and even treats. Waiting for Dr to call back (Labor Day). Does Meloxicam cause drowsiness or loss of appetite? Sorry for the length, just wanted to give as much info as I can.
It can cause that yes. My duck was on Meloxicam and vet said could have lower appetite/ upset stomach. Just watch. If she doesn't seem to be in pain you could give less or none.
My duck didn't eat a lot when she was on her pain meds and backed her off it pretty quick as long as she still seemed to be comfortable.
Thanks for the suggestions. Our sweet baby passed away this evening.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sure you did everything you could for her and that she had a happy life with you.
Sometimes there is nothing we can do but love them and help them on their way.
Our vet put our silkie on Meloxicam and recommended we continue the Tylosin we had been giving her for a few days before we brought her in. on Wednesday for an inflamed eye. As we suspected, her culture for mycoplasma came back positive, so we start her on injectables tomorrow. Has anyone ever seen a chicken become lethargic or lose their appetite on either of these meds? The only addition we’ve made since Wednesday is the Meloxicam, and up until then, she had been completely perky and otherwise acting normally. Since yesterday, she’s been refusing food and water and even treats. Waiting for Dr to call back (Labor Day). Does Meloxicam cause drowsiness or loss of appetite? Sorry for the length, just wanted to give as much info as I can.
YES, mine ALWAYS stop eating, so I just stop the medication, not worth it to me, if they don't eat they are gunna die, so it's a toss up. Had pill they did the same thing, tried Oral SAME thing. Not worth it to me.

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