moaning hen. What should I be looking for.


14 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Mid Hudson River Valley, NY
I've got a young hen who started moaning today. And there's another one making a squawking sound. It's winter here and the snow has been fallng all day.
Any ideas on what I should be looking for. I am not sure if she has actually laid an egg as of yet. she's a 6-7 mo old wheaton marans and they lay late. No other obvious signs of a problem... comb okay, not ssquatting. Vent looks fine from what I see.

Help ideas appreciated.
I have a hen that hums constantly. She's done this for as long as I can remember. It's actually kind of annoying. The only times she stops is if something catches her attention, she'll stop, but then starts right back up.

Constant verbalizing doesn't necessarily mean there is anything wrong. I would keep an eye on yours, but not worry too much if she isn't showing any signs of illness.

Good luck.
Maybe she's slowly working up to the egg song!
I agree, mine start making this guttural growling noise right before they start laying. If she's acting otherwise fine, I'd say that's what it is and keep an eye on it. Now if she's acting weird or lethargic...
thanks all. I hear gurgling this morning. I've separated her and am starting her on tetricycline as a preventative I'm also putting in other chicken drinking water.

If your hearing conjestion I believe I would go ahead and treat them all, most respiatory infections are contageous sorry my spelling isn't so hot. I am not sure if this is the best antibiotic for it but won't hurt to get them started on something, try to give them some plain yogurt while and after they are taking this to build back up good gut bacteria, because the antibiotic will kill good and bad. Please keep us updated on how it's going. I'll be thinking about ya'll
Also how is her crop look and feel?
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