molting chickens

I'm not talking about one particular rooster, but 26 years of both bantam and standard roosters of six (at least) different breeds. Some hens and pullets will molt gracefully, and some drop many feathers all at once, and look and feel pretty grim for a while, especially in winter here in Michigan. Right now my flock is a bit smaller than usual, at two roosters, three cockerels, and 27 hens and pullets.
This never struck me before, but today it did, and that's why I posted this.
It occurred to me today, looking at the two Chantie hens who are half bald and miserable, with feather starts, but nothing grown out yet, that I don't remember a rooster ever doing this sort of 'hard molt'. Ever.
Any comments?
Confused.....hens or cock not growing in?
How long have they been 'bald'?
Too bad you don't do pics(I don't think you do?).
I do photos, but not recently. Over the years, some hens do this sort of hard molt, with many feathers gone in big patches. I was remarking on my experience with a fair number of roosters, non of whom have ever done that . My roosters have all molted a few feathers at a time, and may have shorter tail than normal, but not have big bare patches anywhere.
I had a hen that stayed naked backed for a good 6 months, think it was picking tho rather than molt that started it.
I've never seen a hard molt on a rooster either. Mine usually molt earlier than the hens, and occasionally seem to molt twice in the fall.

I'm still waiting on some tail feathers from my big chocolate Orpington rooster. Roosters seem a bit more lazy in their molts. I would assume because a hard molt would take them fully out of production and mating, which would be bad for his procreation.

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