Mulch For Duck Run?


May 30, 2016
Finger Lakes, NY
I've been trying to grow grass in the outside run since this spring and it was going surprisingly well until we hit a drought. I don't have the time or energy to water it twice a day because getting the hose out that far is a time-consuming, pain in the butt. At this point, I have patches that are established, but short. The whole middle of the pen just won't seem to take off though. The ducks leave it alone just fine. The only reason I don't have grass in the first place is because the pen started out smaller and we had some wet seasons that turned it into mud. I've since built it up so the water doesn't pool in the middle and we're putting up gutters on the coop within the week, so I don't think that'll be an issue again.

Right now I'm having a really hard time deciding if it's worth keeping at it or just covering the pen in one material instead. I'm considering a natural hardwood mulch. Has anyone here ever done mulch? I'm talking about the kind meant for gardens and not pine shavings. What are your thought on it? I don't like sand or stones, so I'm not going that route.
If I don’t free range my ducks during the day, there is no way for me to keep grass in their pen. They are way too messy. Ugh.

I wouldn’t put the type of mulch we have around here out for my ducks. I’ve walked in my backyard several times this week without shoes and got splinters 3 times in my foot. I have put pine shavings and straw down for mine though. Our pine shavings are a lot softer than mulch.
I work at Countrymax, so that was where I'm planning to get it, but if some other store has it ground finer then I'll go there instead. Ours is pretty chunky. I'll have to check Lowes.
I work at Countrymax, so that was where I'm planning to get it, but if some other store has it ground finer then I'll go there instead. Ours is pretty chunky. I'll have to check Lowes.
The shredded is working for us so far. I rake it daily which tends to break it down more I think. It's great to also replace it regularly and use the old stuff around your yard. I have some plants that are doing better than ever before and I swear it's the duck poop fertilizer!

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