My Chicken is dying from Lice please help


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2018
Please please help.

I have a Road Island Red chicken who has been poorly for a couple of weeks. I tried everything with her from baths (the last one was yesterday as she had a very black sticky pooey vent) feeding her yoghurt, checking her beak and anything else I could think of but nothing worked. I never noticed any lice last night

This morning I went to check on her and she cant even stand, when I picked her up she was swarming with what i believe to be lice around her vent. I washed her and very liberally sprinkled her with mite powder.

I only cleaned and de-mited the whole of the coop two weeks ago so am shocked to see this.

I have three chickens and she is the only poorly one. They live in a very clean coop with straw for bedding and the whole of my allotment to wander in.

She has been off her food for a while and seemed to be having trouble even picking anything up, that is why I syringed her with yoghurt this morning.

I would like to home treat as my vet is useless with chickens.

I would really appreciate any help as I feel like a really bad chicken owner for not noticing this earlier and am beating myself up terribly. I just hope i am not too late to save my beautiful girl.
It could be but these do not look like maggots which I would expect to see with fly strike. They seem to be running around not crawling like maggots. I will go and have another look as I am about to leave work early to check on her poor thing. Thank you Allie
I'm not sure about chickens, but in dogs and cats, black "tarry" stool is a sign of internal bleeding. This usually comes from tumors rupturing. Does she look really pale? Your vet may not be good with chickens, but they could send out a sample of the stool to the lab, to check for occult blood. Sorry she is not well.
I'm sorry for your loss :( I seem to be having the same problem. One of my young girls just randomly died. I didn't have any idea til now. Because today I've seen little tiny bugs crawling around some of my chickens feathers. Plus one of them is so weak now it can barely raise its head :(.
You can’t imagine how nice it is to know somebody understands how sad it is to lose one of your chickens, they are part of the family. Gosh I am really sorry one of your girls has passed away Silver I hope so much that the poorly girl recovers. Thankyou Chicken lady and Stacey that is so nice of you. I feel heartbroken, off to bed for another good cry. Goodnight and thank you so much for your kind words xxx

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