** My EE hen started laying! **

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
Julia my Blue EE hen layed her FIRST egg today!
Do you think it's a bantam egg or a standard egg? I didn't have a bantam egg to compare it with! ( sorry! )
Here are the pics!
This is her egg! SO EGGSITED!

Her egg lined up with my BO eggs!


Julia's egg compared with a BO egg!

What do you think? Bantam egg or Standard?
Looks like a standard size pullet egg. They should get bigger in the upcoming weeks---though I do have one EE that has been laying for a month and her eggs are still pullet size. Congrats on colored eggs, they're fun!
Thanks everyone! She is about 3 and a half months old! Cool, what breed are you waiting on mendygnl??? Be sure and post pics of them when they start laying!
I'm waiting on EE's as well. They are about 22 wks now, but we have had a horrible winter this year, and the coop isn't heated. They have grown well, just haven't started laying yet. I think it's taking a lot of their energy to survive. Poor little girls. They do LOVE their warm mash!
I didn't have light in there until 2 days ago, and I guess since I put that light in there she decided to start laying! I'm also waiting for J.T. a Buff Orpington hen to start laying!!! So ya think it was a standard egg?? I fed her mash as well! I put pellets, cracked corn and ground - up weat in there! She LOVED IT! Do you think it is healthy enough for her? Will it help her lay eggs? Thanks everyone! Any tips for high egg production?? Thanks again!!! ( I read that hot peppers helped them, but I couldn't find anything else! )

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