My Hen is acting male🐔🍒🐓


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2021
Sooo, my peep Lucy all bad birds are named Lucy hehe (Plymouth rock) smallest chick out of the first 8 that I got has now out grew my rooster Fred(New Hampshire Red) and now she has recently tried to start crowing which she has never done before. They all the same age 20 maybe 21 weeks. I was for sure she was a hen, she has never mounted the hens like Fred he started that weeks ago and she has out grew him by alot her feet are way bigger then his. Also she seems alittle more aggressive, I think she tried to buck up on me. I don't know what's going on with her I'm sure she's not broody. I'll post pics of her compared to my rooster. I have 3 New Hampshire Reds including rooster, 1 Plymouth, 3 Sussex, and my mini peeps batams, 1 silkie. If anyone knows what might be going on with my Lucy I'm taking any opinions.
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Sooo, my peep Lucy all bad birds are named Lucy hehe (Plymouth rock) smallest chick out of the first 8 that I got has now out grew my rooster Fred(New Hampshire Red) and now she has recently tried to start crowing which she has never done before. They all the same age 20 maybe 21 weeks. I was for sure she was a hen, she has never mounted the hens like Fred he started that weeks ago and she has out grew him by alot her feet are way bigger then his. Also she seems alittle more aggressive, I think she tried to buck up on me. I don't know what's going on with her I'm sure she's not broody. I'll post pics of her compared to my rooster. I have 3 New Hampshire Reds including rooster, 1 Plymouth, 3 Sussex, and my mini peeps batams, 1 silkie. If anyone knows what might be going on with my Lucy I'm taking any opinions.
Just waiting for pics
Sooo, my peep Lucy all bad birds are named Lucy hehe (Plymouth rock) smallest chick out of the first 8 that I got has now out grew my rooster Fred(New Hampshire Red) and now she has recently tried to start crowing which she has never done before. They all the same age 20 maybe 21 weeks. I was for sure she was a hen, she has never mounted the hens like Fred he started that weeks ago and she has out grew him by alot her feet are way bigger then his. Also she seems alittle more aggressive, I think she tried to buck up on me. I don't know what's going on with her I'm sure she's not broody. I'll post pics of her compared to my rooster. I have 3 New Hampshire Reds including rooster, 1 Plymouth, 3 Sussex, and my mini peeps batams, 1 silkie. If anyone knows what might be going on with my Lucy I'm taking any opinions.
I just recently took in a juvenile rescue, so I've been reading a lot about genders. Apparently, most traits aren't 100% reliable (except egg laying!!).
Females will crow if they have a hormone abnormality, which could explain your chicken's overgrowth and lack of mounting.

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