Myster baby


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2024
Hi, we got this sweetie out of the mixed bantam bin. On its adoption day they were just a tan/brown color and now with feathers coming it he/she is getting very pretty. For being sooo tiny it has the loudest mouth out of our flock! My daughter is dying to know what breed so she can do her research to learn a out her egg laying and needs. Any help is appreciated 😊TIA


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Thanks! We just googled and 😍 they are so pretty! Also can you tell it is a cockerel by the feathering/color?
Yes. In certain color patterns it is possible to tell males from females as soon as they start feathering out, because their adults colors will be different. Crele females are darker overall than males. This is due to chicken color genetics, specifically the genes involved in barring (those black and white lines running across each feather.) A male can carry two genes for barring and a female can only carry one. Probably more than you wanted to know.
Thanks so much! And never to much we want to know! Honestly love all the info I can find and learn on here!! My kiddos ( 6and 3 1/2) and also learning and gaining so much info and experiences from raising the chicks and ducklings! We have such a weird mixed flock but we get to learn about so many breeds this way! We have another bantam that we got that day but it is solid white with no distinct markings.

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