Need advice: Removed thorn from foot


8 Years
May 9, 2011
Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Hi! My little mutt duck started limping on her right leg about 2 days ago. I checked her feet and legs and everything looked normal. She was active, eating, and otherwise normal. I thought maybe the drake sprained her hip or leg. Today, she is still limping. I checked her and now she has a swollen "heal". There was a hard spot in the middle of the softer area and I removed scab and found a little (3/8") thorn. I removed the thorn, expecting the soft area to drain, but it didn't. The thorn was already walled off from the swelling. She's still eating well, active, alert. So, should I a) lance and drain swelling, apply a'biotics, bandage, give injection of a'biotics and keep her inside b) nothing c) something in between a & b? Thanks!


The victim


There looks like there is still something (little black dot) in the middle of the wound in this picture, but there is nothing actually there.
I'm not sure if I'd lance it, they don't have pus like we do theirs is cottage cheese consistancy. Why not try soaking her foot a few days in warm epsom salt water. If that doesn't help with swelling then post back and maybe someone will have other ideas. does her foot feel hot to touch?
Both feet and bill are equally warm, but not hot. I just took her temp, 108!! Holy cow!! I should have looked up normal temp in Holderread's book BEFORE I took the temp.

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