Need help with baby duckling, wry neck or neurological?

Thank you so much for your 2 cents! I'm ready for the challenge, he is the sweetest little thing, he gives me kisses and already responds to my voice. He knows he's loved. I have to try everything in my power to help him. I'm really concerned though with the fact that he walks a few steps then just walks in circles until I direct him to the food or to his "mama" who is a very soft stuffed animal that he buries himself into. His head never stays still though,l it just keeps turning from side to side. It is heartbreaking... Have you ever heard of anyone hatching an egg that was shaken or dropped? I have read that they will most likely be deformed. I have rescued and fixed so many different animals, but I too have the feeling he will always be a special needs duck. I am very new to raising ducks, my son brought me one home as a surprise last year for Mother's day. I knew nothing about them.. He was probably 3 or 4 days old and really tiny (from the Flea Market) and he and I seriously bonded. I raised him in the house with us until he was about 4 months old. He was in desperate need of a mate by that time as I didn't understand his body language of bobbing up and down every time I would play with him in his pool. He would actually try and mate with me. So I paired him up with a beautiful Buff (He is a Khaki Campbell) and they were inseparable.. He has been sulking and seems depressed though since his girl has been absent setting her eggs. Now she completely ignores him and is actually aggressive towards him if he comes near her or the ducklings. I feel so bad for him. and have been giving him some extra love and taking long bug hunting walks with him. He has also has been coming back into the house with us too because he is lonely:( He is afraid of the ducklings and seems really nervous since they have hatched. Do you think he'll get used to them and get back to his happy self? I plan on keeping two of them plus the little guy I have inside now. I really appreciate the input.
I would look into foods that provide what brain and nerve cells need. So, maybe some flax seed meal in the crumbles, and blueberries for treats, for example.

You probably already know to give a little grit for a few days before giving them anything but crumbles.
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Thank you so much for your 2 cents! I'm ready for the challenge, he is the sweetest little thing, he gives me kisses and already responds to my voice. He knows he's loved. I have to try everything in my power to help him. I'm really concerned though with the fact that he walks a few steps then just walks in circles until I direct him to the food or to his "mama" who is a very soft stuffed animal that he buries himself into. His head never stays still though,l it just keeps turning from side to side. It is heartbreaking... Have you ever heard of anyone hatching an egg that was shaken or dropped? I have read that they will most likely be deformed. I have rescued and fixed so many different animals, but I too have the feeling he will always be a special needs duck. I am very new to raising ducks, my son brought me one home as a surprise last year for Mother's day. I knew nothing about them.. He was probably 3 or 4 days old and really tiny (from the Flea Market) and he and I seriously bonded. I raised him in the house with us until he was about 4 months old. He was in desperate need of a mate by that time as I didn't understand his body language of bobbing up and down every time I would play with him in his pool. He would actually try and mate with me. So I paired him up with a beautiful Buff (He is a Khaki Campbell) and they were inseparable.. He has been sulking and seems depressed though since his girl has been absent setting her eggs. Now she completely ignores him and is actually aggressive towards him if he comes near her or the ducklings. I feel so bad for him. and have been giving him some extra love and taking long bug hunting walks with him. He has also has been coming back into the house with us too because he is lonely:( He is afraid of the ducklings and seems really nervous since they have hatched. Do you think he'll get used to them and get back to his happy self? I plan on keeping two of them plus the little guy I have inside now. I really appreciate the input.
Your drake will have his girl back but right now she has her priorities in order, he will get use to the ducklings but may pick on them if they get in his way, One of my ducks hatched ducklings this summer and she didn't have anything to do with the drake till they were about 4 weeks old, now they are inseparable again and the 3 ducklings which are 12weeks old are their own lil group. Keep an eye on your drake because they have been known to kill or injure young ducklings.
Keep giving the lil one vitamins and maybe with the TLC your giving him he'll come out of this. It's amazing what they can over come.
Thank you all for your advice, I am grateful
Absolutely no change today He's been getting the vitamins 2x a day, I am noticing too he hasn't grown like the others, I swear they get bigger by the hour! I feel terrible separating him from his siblings but mama duck has them out and about already and there was no way he would be able to keep up. I tried to give him a little bath today and he panicked and just kept swimming backwards. We all take turns holding and cuddling him, it's about all I can do for now. We have to wait and see I guess...Thanks for checking on him:) On another note, is it too soon for mama to bring the babies outside? They're only 5 days old today and it was a little chilly. She does hover over them sometimes to keep them warm, but mostly I observed them huddled together to keep warm when they napped. I have a heater in their hut for nighttime and they went right to it when I put them in tonight. This is our first hatch and everything is pretty new to me.
How many days now for the vitamins and which ones? Sometimes it can take a while for improvement to show, depending on how things are with each individual bird. Some need more some less. My hopes are the Bs will encourage the body to repair any damage that may have been done and strengthen everything up. I wish I knew how long it could take. Be patient and keep up with the lovin'. Animal or human, it's the best medicine there ever was or ever will be.

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