Need Shade Ideas for Coop


6 Years
Dec 4, 2013
Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA
Today was the first day of really warm weather we've had and I noticed when I got home from work that all my chicks were huddled under the coop ladder. When I called them out I noticed some were panting so I assume they were trying to get away from the sun into some shade. You can see in the pictures below that there is a roof on the coop but its clear and from mid day on the sun beats in with no where for them to get shade. We planted a lilac which will eventually get large enough to create shade but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone has any ideas to create shade for them during the times when its hottest. It has to look fairly nice though (for example no ugly blue tarps) because my father is anal LOL. One of the conditions of him allowing us to get the coop was that he didn't want an eye sore in the yard/neighbors complaining. Any ideas?

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What about a market umbrella or two. It wouldn't grow enough to provide enough shade for this summer but any climbing vine....berry bushes, grapevines, etc. they would provide shad and treats :)
I like vines for shade too. I have grapevines growing over my run and coop, but like your lilac, a vine will take some time to grow. I also like shade cloth and it could be an immediate fix. My coop gets blasted with sun during the hottest part of the day so I have shade cloth covering the wire of the coop. Covering the south and west sides of your run would help a lot.

How about some jute fabric? You could cover the roof and the sunny sides with it, and it would sort of blend into your color-scheme. Sort of has a nice organic look to it, plus it let's air pass through. Bamboo might be a quick growing plant, if it works in your climate, however you'd have a horrible time controlling it. Anything that will block the sun will be visible however, so short of moving your coop and run to a colder climate, I think your father is going to have to accept something that isn't invisible. Or then you can just hang blinds on the outside of the run.
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On a side note, I was over a farmtex and came across this expensive item:;ft_poultry_equipment-ft_poultry_housing;pg104298.html
It occurred to me the same thing could be made for much less by buying one of those 10ft. by20 ft.
shelters they sell at places like Wal-Mart . Then taking the legs off and selling them on craigslist to make
back 1/2 the money you spent on it in the first place. Affixing some chicken wire to the open spaces
and voila! pastured poultry.
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You could get some of those iron hanging arms and hang plants on the sides. It could block some of the sun and look nice.

With the roof being clear allows the sun to beat in at mid day. You could make some shades you could hang/pull inside the roof. put the roller part at the top and a hook on the short side of the roof. That would be a good option since during the summer they need shade but in winter some heat from the sun would be welcomed.

Walls you could do something like this.

Almost make that run look like a screened in summer porch.
My Gallo del Cielo
That shade cloth is tastefully done! Very crisp and nice looking!

I think I will take down the claptrap I put up on the side of my coop's
yard and duplicate this. Classy!

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Also over at :
they have indoor/outdoor printed canvas pictorial panels. Maybe affix them to the sunny side of
the run to turn it into a portrait gallery and place to shade them during the hottest part of the day..
Pricey but the neighbors sure couldn't object!!

Maybe a nice privacy screen to put up against the sunny side of the poultry yard.
Some ideas here you can find less expensive elsewhere, I warrant.

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