New member and new to raising chickens!


Apr 30, 2024
Hey all! I got this baby chick a few days ago, and she was a bit of a spontaneous surprise so I don’t know anything about taking care of her. She’s been doing pretty well so far, and loves snuggling up to me and perching on my shoulder, but i decided to join the forum incase I have any questions. I know it’s highly recommended to have at least two chicks together, but unfortunately I just have her currently. She is usually very happy and is quiet and chirps softly since i spend a lot of time with her, but when i take breaks and leave her in her little area, she just chirps. I have plushies for her and i’m working on getting a mirror to put in there for her to help her feel less alone, but i’m also curious to know if there are any other ways that I can help her feel less alone and happy when i’m not with her. I plan on getting another chick sometime for her sake but i’m unable to right now. I also don’t know what breed of Chicken she is, so if it’s possible to tell from the picture, please lmk!
(i hope i posted this in the right thread,,)


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You really do need to get her a couple of friends.
What is your heat source?
Do you have a coop and run for her and her future friends?
Thank you! I don’t have a heat source for her yet, but I did place her in a heating blanket on the lowest setting and let her take a nap for a couple minutes (i didn’t want her to get cold and she was chirping loudly during that time and she was content afterwards)
I don’t have a coop or anything like that for her yet, but i also plan on getting one hopefully soon.
She’s currently staying in a clear lidless container in my room that i’ve made her home, she has enough room to run around, and have her food and water without making a mess.

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