Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

I'll have to mess with this tomorrow-
So sorry, guys.
AH, I'm sorry Cap, I uh, need more of a layout to continue this scene, a setting- where are they going?
Also writers block didn't break as fast as artists block, I am still moving a little slow
Yeah, yeh, yuh, we'll get there- I'll fix it.
Apologies, I'm so shot from early morning flights and #nosleep so I'm calling it tonight before my last brain cell desolvez forever.
On a brighter note I did bleach half my hair so that was terrifying. Impulsivity + best friends. Yay.
I'll have to mess with this tomorrow-
So sorry, guys.

Yeah, yeh, yuh, we'll get there- I'll fix it.
Apologies, I'm so shot from early morning flights and #nosleep so I'm calling it tonight before my last brain cell desolvez forever.
On a brighter note I did bleach half my hair so that was terrifying. Impulsivity + best friends. Yay.
I wanna see?????
Name: Cebu
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Tribe: LeafWing
Physical appearance: large and fit, with silverish blue-green scales that seem to have a shimmering undertone. Long, thin leaf shaped wings.
Personality: Cool and collected, able to handle herself under pressure.
Backstory: An authority figure leading a movement in the Poison Jungle to push the humans out and stop killing the trees and destroying their home. Working with LeafWings and the clans of CloudWings that also live in the jungle.
Cebu had herself laid flat against the trunk of a massive tree, staring out into a ruined landscape of mud and death.

The LeafWing slithered down another branch, her tail wrapping around the branches for security.
A rustling sort of thump signaled that her companion was following.

Cebu glanced back. A CloudWing with Scarlet, green, blue and yellow feathers stared down at the empty clearing.

Humans had done this, chopping down their trees and clearing away the forest. Deep tire tracks were gashed through the mud, leading away from the clearing.

The CloudWing gave a hissing sort of sigh. "They seem to be moving faster every day."

"Hyacinth said he saw them hauling in more machines on one of those huge ships," Cebu replied. "More weapons too. Traps, guns. It's not safe for us here anymore, Ara."

Ara dug his claws into the trees bark, making Cebu wince at the action. "We don't have enough dragons to stop this, and we lose more every day," he lashed his tail. "It's hopeless."

Cebu glared at him. "Don't say that," she said evenly. "We're going to figure this out."
Cebu had herself laid flat against the trunk of a massive tree, staring out into a ruined landscape of mud and death.

The LeafWing slithered down another branch, her tail wrapping around the branches for security.
A rustling sort of thump signaled that her companion was following.

Cebu glanced back. A CloudWing with Scarlet, green, blue and yellow feathers stared down at the empty clearing.

Humans had done this, chopping down their trees and clearing away the forest. Deep tire tracks were gashed through the mud, leading away from the clearing.

The CloudWing gave a hissing sort of sigh. "They seem to be moving faster every day."

"Hyacinth said he saw them hauling in more machines on one of those huge ships," Cebu replied. "More weapons too. Traps, guns. It's not safe for us here anymore, Ara."

Ara dug his claws into the trees bark, making Cebu wince at the action. "We don't have enough dragons to stop this, and we lose more every day," he lashed his tail. "It's hopeless."

Cebu glared at him. "Don't say that," she said evenly. "We're going to figure this out."
"Don't be a pessimist," she continued, flicking her tail. Ara ignored her.

Cebu looked back, into the noisy emerald forest. Gigantic trees towered as far as she could see, which wasn't very far- vegetation concealed every available surface, colorful orchids making splashes of color, blinking out of the green and brown landscape. Howler monkeys could be heard over the monotonous buzzing drone of insects, the soundscape decorated by exotic birdsong, occasionally pierced by a parrot's raspy call or the sound of a big cat roaring.

This was her home, always had been, and always will be, as far as Cebu was concerned.

"We should go back, discuss with the others," the LeafWing said, flicking Ara's talon gently with her tail. The CloudWing nodded, tearing his gaze away from the ruined clearing.

Cebu dropped off the tree branch, her wings flicking open and catching the humid jungle air. Ara followed suit, his brightly colored flapping in sync with hers.

The two dragons dipped and flew through the forest, the obstacles getting more difficult to navigate as they got nearer to the center. Carnivorous plants were rare nowadays, but the ones that still lived were usually found lurking here.

Cebu tilted her wings to avoid a sundew's sprawling tendrils, dropping in the air momentarily.

What if Ara's right? The humans keep coming and we just keep losing dragons. Their machines are so big...

The humans tore apart the forest with their monstrous yellow machines, tearing the earth and destroying every living thing in their path. They set traps all over the jungle, kidnapping or killing dragons. Humans armed with guns guarded everything.

We're best advantaged on our own turf, and that's not working in our favor.

Cebu's thoughts were interrupted by Ara rocketing over her head, a flash of scarlet feathers. Always in a rush.

"You're gonna slam into a tree one day," Cebu called after him, picking up her own pace.
The village crept up on them, starting with inconspicuous hollowed out trees, nest like platforms balanced on branches, strange rustling noises that could have only come from something as large as a dragon.

You always saw the CloudWings first. CloudWing's from the Poison jungle were all brightly colored, many resembling parrots and other rainforest birds. Here a blue and yellow dragon, there a green one.

Cebu soared upward with a few easy flicks of her long, silvery wings, following Ara as the macaw-like dragon rushed his way through the forest.

A flash of royal blue feathers and the sound of wingbeats signaled Hyacinth's arrival.

" 'Sup," the CloudWing said, soaring up alongside Cebu. "How was it?"

Cebu sighed. "They're making a town along the coast now."

"Big one? Armed?"

"Not a big one but they are armed," Cebu shook her head. "They're making a huge harbor for their ships."

Hyacinth let out a small growl. "Ara?" he called. "You know anything else?"

The red feathered CloudWing slowed, glancing back. "Not really," he said. "You know Cebu keeps track of most of that, not me." he didn't look at either of them.

Cebu rolled her eyes slightly. "He think's this is a hopeless mission."

Ara glared back at her. "It is a hopeless mission, Cebu," he snapped, a slight curl of vapor trailing from his nostrils. "We're just all going to get killed. You know what I think."

Cebu narrowed her eyes slightly. "And I think you're wrong," she said calmly. Ara glared at her for a few more moments.

"This is a stupid plan of yours," he hissed.

Cebu heard Hyacinth make a nervous humming sort of noise and glanced over to him. The blue feathered dragon hesitated.

"I don't know, Cebu," he said slowly. "Ara's kind of right- remember last time we tried to push back?"

She did remember. She'd gathered every fighting-ready dragon and attempted to swarm the human's base camp.

They hadn't succeeded.

Cebu closed her eyes for a moment, feeling Hyacinth's eyes linger on her.

"We have to try again," she said firmly. Hyacinth looked away, fidgeting with his talons with another nervous sounding mmmm.

Cebu banked away from the both of them, landing on a wide wooden bridge woven from vines that spanned between two massive trees. The bridge was created with the help of leafspeak, an increasingly rare ability, and was one of the many living structures in the village.

A few dragons stood around on the bridge, talking. Two LeafWings and a RainWing. One of the LeafWings spotted her and waved her over.

"Hey Pothos, Ficus," Cebu said, nodding to the LeafWings. "Boiga." she dipped her head at the RainWing, who currently had iredescent black scales, shot through with bright yellow stripes.

"How's life been treating you?" asked the LeafWing who had waved her over. Pothos had rich green scales, streaked with a sunny yellow color. The LeafWing tilted her head, waiting for Cebu's response.

"Just amazing," Cebu said with a dry chuckle. She sighed, smoothing her head spines down with one hand. "Just great."

"We saw Ara leaving in a huff just now," Pothos said,with an annoyingly cheery edge to her voice. "What'd you do to ruffle his feathers?"

Ficus, the other LeafWing, bumped Potho's wing with hers. "Don't be nosy."

Pothos ignored her, looking at Cebu expectantly.

"Ahhhh. Just- you know Ara. He's difficult," Cebu said vaguely, shrugging.

"He talks about you behind your back," Boiga said, lifting one wing to block Potho's view of Cebu as the LeafWing started rattling off questions.

Cebu tilted her head at the RainWing. "Ara? No, he wouldn't do that." He has a bad attitude, but I trust him more than ninety percent of the dragons here.

"Some even think he's planning things without your knowledge," Boiga continued, her tongue flicking out between her teeth.

"With the other CloudWings specifically," Ficus interjected.

Cebu was a little taken aback. These three were known gossipers, but...

Ara wouldn't do that.
They moved in time to Vel's limp, treading the sun-washed pavement beneath slumped buildings. Sol followed at the back, watching the SkyWing with heavy eyes. He found no compassion in his heart toward these foul creatures, and they only induced shameful memories. Everything in him was repelled, save the tiny bit of conscience still holding onto Eclipse and the dragon beneath her wing.
He shivered, unable to calm the heat in his scales.

(ACH it's late I'm late this hasn't died I'm just so busy aaahhh 💀)
The odd pack moved slow like cold honey, and muddled through each street with dragging steps. The pace pained Sol, and he had slunk forward, leaving the dusty sand beneath his talons to crystalize and shrivel in angry clumps. His scales smoldered.

Harper followed in the steamy talonsteps, keeping herself between Sol and the wary arrivals.
"Where are we going?" The red dragon murmered, twisting his head toward Harper.
The human glanced up, her gaze heavy and odd. "The hangar."
"No. No."
Harper sniffed and dragged the back of her torn glove across her mouth. "Yea. We are not just throwing them in with the mob."
Sol slowed his pace. "Then where can I move Tobias?"
"Do not move him." Her braids swung as she glanced back. "We will not leave these unsupervised."

Sol stopped and his shining eyes found the mutated creature in Eclipse's talons. She shouldn't have to stoop so low, he thought. He did not understand how she could carry him.

The hangar was empty and cold.
Vel slid along the stained wall, and unlocked her shaking knees. The muscles snapped loose and she sprawled out upon the warming cement. Her eyes stared ahead dry and dazed, and blood seeped from her mouth where she had bitten her numb tongue.
A long breath shook her shoulders.

(There, that gets us somewhere 🥴☠️ does this help? Boss.)

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