Official BYC Poll: How Do You Optimize Your Hens' Egg-Laying Capabilities?

How Do You Optimize Your Hens' Egg-Laying Capabilities?

  • Provide a balanced diet rich in protein and calcium.

    Votes: 94 83.9%
  • Ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water.

    Votes: 90 80.4%
  • Maintain consistent daylight hours with artificial lighting if necessary.

    Votes: 19 17.0%
  • Create a stress-free, well-ventilated coop.

    Votes: 73 65.2%
  • Offer clean, quiet, and comfortable nesting boxes.

    Votes: 81 72.3%
  • Keep the coop and nesting boxes clean to prevent stress and disease.

    Votes: 78 69.6%
  • Allow hens to roam and forage during the day.

    Votes: 74 66.1%
  • Ensure hens have companions for social stimulation.

    Votes: 80 71.4%
  • Provide oyster shells or crushed eggshells as a calcium source.

    Votes: 87 77.7%
  • Offer a dust bath area to help control parasites.

    Votes: 81 72.3%
  • Minimize disturbances, loud noises, or sudden changes.

    Votes: 39 34.8%
  • Secure the coop to protect against predators.

    Votes: 85 75.9%
  • Monitor and maintain the health of my hens.

    Votes: 78 69.6%
  • Gather eggs daily to prevent broodiness.

    Votes: 88 78.6%
  • Choose chicken breeds known for high egg production.

    Votes: 39 34.8%
  • Nothing, I let them be.

    Votes: 11 9.8%
  • Other (please elaborate in the comments section below).

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
Do you know who this person is? If not, I'd put a camera where they can't see it and get a good picture of them to give to the police.

No idea who it was. The trail cams have caught bunnies and squirrels running around but no humans. I didn't get them up right away. The padlocks were on almost a week before the cameras were active.

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