Old metal tubing greenhouse frame to coop conversion PICS ADDED


9 Years
Jan 16, 2011
Sperrassoville, OK

We have the metal frame for an 8' x 10' greenhouse that I am wanting to convert into a small coop/grow out pen but I am not sure how.

I am sure everyone has seen these greenhouses, they sell them at Lowes. Metal tubing for the frame and covered with plastic with zippered doors. We had some really bad storms blow through last year which destroyed the plastic cover so all I have is the metal frame.

What I need to know is how could I attach a roof? I think I could just attach hardware cloth and chicken wire to the sides and somehow attach a door?

I will try to post a pic of the frame tomorrow when it is light out so you can see what I mean

Any ideas appreciated, Thanks.

Here are the pics...

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self tappers w/ washers or you could use the parts of a chain link fence. you know the ones that are two pieces and when bolted together clamp down??

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