One slow chicken


May 17, 2023
I have a hen that is not quite normal. Early on in her integration, she was pecked in the back (while outside in the run) and ever since then, has not developed "normal" chicken behaviors. She is not getting outright bullied any more, just routine pecking order stuff, but she is definitely slow. She is getting better with her behavior, but she just doesn't seem to have the natural instincts all of my other hens have always have.

She has started laying and despite everyone else flawlessly always laying in the nesting boxes, she gets to the top roost to drop her egg. Every day. So obviously the ceramic egg thing won't work because there are plenty of eggs in there. She is not incredibly adept at jumping, she obviously gets down from the top roost but I have never seen her do it. I assume it is a thing for her because she is up there pacing back and forth trying to figure it out for a long time. So I think she just can't get in the boxes or doesn't know how. What's the best way to get her to lay in the box?
Can you temporarily remove the top roost? Is there any possibility the other hens are keeping her out of the nest boxes?
Can you temporarily remove the top roost? Is there any possibility the other hens are keeping her out of the nest boxes?
I don't think I can. That's also where the majority of my hens roost at night so I don't think they would like it either.

I don't think they keep her out of it but she is terrified of everyone and everything and squawks when any of the others even walk by her. So, they could be intimidating her for sure. But she is in the coop alone a lot, so she should have unintimidated time to get in there.

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