Over 6ft tall tomato plants

Did not mean to offend, Thats very odd you would have 10 ft plants in all day direct sun light. Generally when planted in direct sun your stalks would be much thicker and foliage would be more dense the entire plant much shorter, but weighed down with tomatoes. I myself would love to have much shorter plants, it is ideal. Tall plants can be a pain. Can you post some pictures I would love to see them.
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I was thinking that would be good for my plants
Now I am going to strt dumping the pool water right in the garden.
I just had one of our maintance guys at the school show me the school greenhouse and what he planted in there this March.
He had 6ft tall tomatoes! It was crazy like a forrest in there of tomatoes.
I was curious if anyone knew what kind of tomato plant did that. If it is a certian one or do all tomato plants get that tall?
I have a cherry tomato plant over 7 ft tall and 5 foot wide . My change this year was only copper plant supports. So far we have harvested 120 tomatoes and my girls counted 300 still green.

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