Painting a veneered table...


8 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Peyton, CO
So about three years ago I bought a table. I thought it was the perfect table, dark wood, very pretty. Then the first scratch happened, and I realized it's that veneer junk, like plastic. Chalk that up to being young, and it being the first table I bought. It's still a good table, very big with 8 chairs. During our last military move it got so scratched up I almost cried. I've been thinking I'd like to paint the table and chairs, and re-cushion the chairs. So I like Milk paint, no chemicals or anything.
So, here's what I thought....rough up the surface, then paint. But how do I seal the paint? So that it doesn't chip off in two days. I want an old, chic look, so I don't want to seal it with something that'll make it shiny.
Here's the paint
How would I seal it?
Any help would be great.
As far as I know milk paint is used on wood. Ask the company about painting plastic-type veneer. They do have an Ultra-Bond additive that may help bond the paint to your table.

If that works out you could use a water-based polyurethane (matte finish) to seal and protect the top of the table. It dries quickly and you can add a second or third coat within hours.

Good luck with your project.

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