Picking up my chickens tomorrow!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 27, 2008
My girlfriend and I live in North Georgia, about 15 minutes from Chattanooga. We have both always wanted to get chickens, so we are doing it. I converted and old outbuilding into a coop, finishing up the run. We are starting with 5 Rhode Island Reds; 4 hens and one roo. Very excited. I will post some pictures and let you all know how it goes.

Hope everything turns out well for you!!!
I'm OcoeeG's girlfriend. We just picked up our chickens yesterday, and they are happily adapting.

Chris did a great job building the coop and run, and they are definitely some spoiled spoiled chicks!

When will they start laying eggs?

Do you know how old the the are? My RIR's started laying between 20 and 24 weeks. If the are older hens then they may need to get settled and comfortable before they start laying again.

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Congrats on your new chickens! As for when they will start laying eggs, that really all depends on several things. How old they are now and them adapting to their new place (many laying hens will quit laying for a while until they adapt to their new environment and home). If they are still chicks, then they should start laying anywhere from 18 to 24 wks. old. I had one RIR that started laying at 18 wks. old and other that didn't lay until the were 24 wks. old. It really just depends on the hen.

, both of you!

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